Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Watchin' the clouds roll by....

I broke my leg....OK, I dislocated my ankle, broke two bones and pretty much crushed a third area.  I am now stapled and wired together - hoping it will all hold together.   Pretty much a metaphor for my life - gimping along in spite of my weaknesses, wired together by an unholy combination of faith, grit, and goodness.  Not my goodness - that's crazy talk - but the goodness of Jesus.

Right now, I'm watching the clouds roll by at a galloping pace, while I sit and ponder, mull and mentally meander - how will He bring goodness out of this season of sitting?

I've already seen some...time and talks with my Mom, remembering what it's like to simply "be", and being reminded continually that I have very little ability to actually "hold it all together."  The reality is that He "holds all things in place by the word of His power."  Once I stop having times of watching the clouds roll by because I've been working frantically, beyond my own strength and boundaries, it would be good to remind myself of that.

Maybe some clouds will roll by...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

And so we begin....

I landed on this site and it had the audacity to boldly proclaim "you are not blogging yet."  Well, yeah....even though it is 2:30 in the morning, I guess I realized that.  So, I thought to myself, "Is there a better way to immortalize those odd and random thoughts that occur to me almost every minute than on a blog?"   Thus, I have been reborn as a blogger.   Makes me feel young, hip, and a bit mysterious.  My own little guilty pleasure.  To write randomly, freely, and fully with no one the wiser!  After all, I'm pretty sure I can delete whatever I want....